What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?

I’ve encountered this concept in numerous sources:

Intelligence is recognizing that a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is understanding that a tomato doesn’t belong in a fruit salad.

Knowledge is information, while wisdom is the skillful application of that information.

Knowledge represents the facts and information a person acquires through education and experience. Wisdom, however, involves giving sound advice and making good decisions based on that knowledge.

Knowledge without wisdom is futile. Knowledge is what you possess; wisdom is how you utilize it. Knowledge is the tool; wisdom is the ability to use that tool effectively.


Wisdom is the ability to know what is true or right.
Knowledge is power, while wisdom is a virtue.
Knowledge is obtained while Wisdom is developed.
Knowledge is related to the mind, while wisdom is connected to the soul.
Wisdom is that quality to take the right decision in the moment.
Knowledge can change over time, Wisdom is timeless.

Knowledge is a piece of information. Wisdom is the depth of understanding and the capacity to apply that information in various contexts with appropriate modifications.


Knowledge refers to the information, facts, and skills acquired through learning, study, or experience. It involves accumulating data, theories, and expertise in various fields. Knowledge can be gained from books, education, training, and observation. It is often specific and tangible, allowing individuals to understand and explain concepts, theories, or practices.


Wisdom transcends knowledge. It is the ability to apply knowledge and experience with sound judgment, discernment, and insight. Wisdom involves a deeper understanding of the underlying principles and truths that govern life and human behavior. It encompasses a broader perspective, incorporating values, ethics, and practical insights into decision-making.

From my perspective, wisdom has a greater potential to expand the mind. It encourages individuals to think beyond surface-level facts and engage in deeper contemplation, introspection, and self-reflection. Wisdom allows individuals to see connections, patterns, and insights that may not be immediately apparent from mere knowledge.

Knowledge refers to the facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education. It is the collection of information and understanding that a person has gained. Wisdom, conversely, is the ability to make sound judgments and decisions based on that knowledge. Wisdom involves deeper insights, discernment, and the thoughtful application of knowledge. While knowledge is about what a person knows, wisdom is about how they use that knowledge to navigate life’s complexities and make good choices. Wisdom often comes through life experience and the ability to see the bigger picture beyond just facts and data.

Knowledge is information stored in our memory. We gather information through our five senses in the field of perception. All that is seen, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt is spontaneously stored as information in our bio-memory. This information is recalled on demand via thoughts.

Consider this scenario: You accidentally touch something hot and burn your finger. This information is etched firmly in your memory because getting burned is painful and should be avoided. The urgency of the event firmly imprints the information in memory, transforming it into wisdom.

If you understand with urgency that smoking and drinking are detrimental to your health, this information becomes wisdom. Similarly, if you recognize the toxic effects of anger on your body, this knowledge becomes urgent information and, consequently, wisdom.

You can learn through painful experiences, which is how most of us gain wisdom. Alternatively, you can introspect diligently and observe the world around you to become wise.

In simple terms, wisdom is urgent information etched in our bio-memory.

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